ActionCOACH Chester Becomes Petty Pool’s Corporate Partner

Petty Pool is thrilled to announce a new partnership with ActionCOACH Chester, a leading business coaching firm, in support of the Project Learn Hive Appeal.

ActionCOACH Chester empowers business owners to take control of their lives through their businesses’ potential. By asking key questions, they help entrepreneurs reconnect with their core motivations. Their experienced coaches have achieved outstanding results across various industries. With their support, business owners can redefine their vision and turn their ventures into successes.

Project Learn Hive Appeal is an exciting initiative aimed at raising £11 million to establish a state-of-the-art outdoor education centre and a centre of excellence for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Cheshire. The project will be implemented in three phases and includes the construction of a new residential outdoor centre designed to enhance the lives of 6,000 school children each year. Additionally, it will feature a vibrant community hub and a modernised college campus that can accommodate up to 160 young people with learning difficulties.

This new partnership between Petty Pool and ActionCOACH Chester aims to transform educational and employment opportunities for young people with neurodivergence and learning disabilities, while fostering a thriving learning community. This collaboration represents a shared vision for a brighter future and, by combining Petty Pool’s commitment to inclusive learning and workplaces with ActionCOACH Chester’s expertise in innovative business coaching, the Project Learn Hive Appeal will create transformative possibilities for learners. Together, we will not only teach valuable skills but also help build successful futures.

“I’m delighted to partner with Petty Pool, and can’t wait to see our relationship grow over the years as we champion the work they do for young people and their journey into employment,” expressed Alan Bark, Head Coach and Growth Specialist. “I’m passionate about inspiring and equipping the next generation – and look forward to being able to share my experience with the Petty Pool Team. ” he added, underscoring the collaborative spirit of this partnership.

“I’m delighted to partner with Petty Pool, and can’t wait to see our relationship grow over the years as we champion the work they do for young people and their journey into employment.”

Alan Bark, Head Coach and Growth Specialist, ActionCOACH Chester

Georgina Chapman, on behalf of the Senior Team at Petty Pool said “After meeting Alan at a networking dinner, with Chester Business Club, it was clear that Petty Pool would be a cause fitting with Alan’s values- and I’m so pleased to have been able to share the work that goes on here. Alan’s well regarded in the industry as a business coach, and has so much to offer Petty Pool, so we’re thrilled he’s come on board as a partner, and to be able to give back to ActionCOACH too.”

This collaboration is designed to empower young individuals as they navigate their paths toward successful careers and it emphasises the shared commitment of both ActionCOACH Chester and Petty Pool to fostering future talent, ensuring that neurodiverse young people receive the guidance and support they need to thrive in the world of employment.

If you are interested to find out more about Project Learn Hive, and other ways you can help, click here.